Sunday, February 3, 2013

China will be the No.1 market of Apple

For some time, Apple has released some of the information to be successful in the Chinese market, but last week, Apple officially create a Greater China-quarter earnings report - the data in the previous two years, the Chinese onlypart of the Asia-Pacific segment reporting. ("Greater China" includes only the Chinese mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong.)

Report results: relative to Apple's overall growth rate of 18% and its growth rate of 15% in the United States, China has undoubtedly become Apple the world's fastest growing market, sales in December rose 67% and this is why we have been considering a cheaper models of Apple's reason for the Chinese market.
A separate report showed that in the previous quarter, the Chinese market for Apple contributed revenue of $ 6.8 billion, which does not include the income of the retail stores. (Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook (Tim Cook) Apple the earnings report pointed out that China, including retail, including sales of $ 7.3 billion while Apple only sporadic reports of data in this area.) Chinese market has accounted for 13 percent of Apple's total sales, if it contains retail , it accounted for 14% of Apple's revenue growth in December, China accounted for 34%, and this data is even higher than the United States, the U.S. market accounted for 32%.
Not always static. Few years ago, the Chinese market is not worth Apple its a separate earnings. However, it is absolutely necessary to do so.

Note: landing in China since a quarter of the overall sales in the last quarter is not Apple Apple's business in China peak -76 billion dollars - was in March 2012, the launch of the iPhone 4S in mainland China reached by the time of that quarter, sales in China accounted for 19 percent of Apple's total sales.